Direct Mail, Mailing List

Want to Know Where Event Attendees Are Coming From? Response Tracking Can Help.

In spite of the rise of digital and social media marketing, we emphatically announce, “Direct mail is not dead!” In fact, direct mail still produces a 5.1% response rate. To put that in perspective, the DMA (Data & Marketing Association) reports that the response rates of email and social media marketing are 0.5% and 0.2%,… Read More Want to Know Where Event Attendees Are Coming From? Response Tracking Can Help.

Creative, Data, Digital Marketing, Direct Mail, Email, Marketing

No Event Attendees? Try Our Event Marketing Timeline

When it comes to hosting an event, it often seems no matter how good the idea, product, program, or training, it’s a challenge to translate the aspiration of a full house of enthused listeners to even a few attendees. However, with the right marketing, an event can be a success. ANS specializes in helping seminar… Read More No Event Attendees? Try Our Event Marketing Timeline

Digital Marketing, Email, Marketing

Five Tips to Make Sure Your Subscribers Hear, “You’ve Got Mail”

Maybe I am just sentimental, but I am a sucker for a good romance movie. One of my particular favorites is You’ve Got Mail, a charming story of rival bookstore owners who fall in love through an exchange of anonymous emails. With every chime of “You’ve got mail,” from their AOL email inboxes, the couple… Read More Five Tips to Make Sure Your Subscribers Hear, “You’ve Got Mail”