ANS Updates, List Spotlight

Get Motivated Update

  Attendees to the Get Motivated Seminars. These seminars feature high-profile speakers that include U.S. Presidents, business magnates, professional athletes, entertainers, entrepreneurs, and Olympians. These action-packed seminars focus on self-improvement, personal development, continuing education, entrepreneurial training, and leadership and management skills training. This training offers something for everyone, and are well attended by professionals in… Read More Get Motivated Update

Digital Marketing, Direct Mail, Marketing

Direct Mail vs Digital Ads

A Scientific Study Today’s world is becoming more and more digital. The change is not just in how information is accessed, but also in how it is presented. As marketing transitions from physical to digital, is it getting better? Are the digital ads replacing physical ads as the most effective strategy? DM News’ article, Direct mail Has a Greater Effect on Purchase Than Digital Ads by Al… Read More Direct Mail vs Digital Ads

Jill's Thoughts

Developing “best” practices, takes deliberate and mindful practice

I was recently sitting in a team sales and marketing meeting, the conversation was diverging, when out of my mouth comes, “Create best practices on a scale we can handle, then multiply”. In other words, what are the methods and processes we can manage right now? Let’s do those the best we can now, practice them,… Read More Developing “best” practices, takes deliberate and mindful practice

Data, Marketing

Big Data has Big Value

Big Data and Business I recently came across Wall Street Journal’s article, “The Big Mystery: What’s Big Data Really Worth?” and it got me thinking about the value of data. The topic brought up some interesting points of discussion including: obtaining revenue from your data, using it to acquire new customers, altering product lines to… Read More Big Data has Big Value