B2B, B2C, Marketing, Multi-channel Marketing, Social Media

Are You on Twitter?

Are you on Twitter? This is a question that I often ask people I meet. You see, I am a Twitter junkie. I love Twitter. I spend a lot of time on Twitter every day. I get my news, stay connected to my sports teams and friends, and keep tabs on the world in general all through Twitter. As a marketer, I use Twitter to engage with clients, market our products, and to generate leads. Yes. I did say that I do lead generation on Twitter. Yes. Twitter is a great platform for businesses to market on. In fact, @heatherheuman shares 6 Tips on How to Use Twitter Marketing to Increase Leads to help organizations leverage Twitter for business.

Heather’s 6 Tips

  1. Have great images in your tweet
  2. Use properly sized images for tweets
  3. Use the Advanced Search function on Twitter
  4. Tweet value rather than just titles
  5. Automation is your friend for evergreen content
  6. Create lists with influencers and experts

I’m sure you’ve heard the first one before, everyone says that you should post great images. While images take time to find, edit, brand, and publish (especially if you do it right); there is a reason to this suggestion. In her article, Heather cites a @buffer study that states that tweets with an image get 18% more clicks, 89% more favorites and 150% more retweets. Why would you ever put marketing content on Twitter without a great image? Hopefully you won’t ever again. That is, unless you are including video instead…but that’s a whole different topic.

When it comes to determining the copy that will accompany your great image, focus on tweeting value as opposed to just titles. What do I mean by tweeting value? While you could just tweet the title of the article you are sharing, doing so adds no value to the people that read your tweet. Instead, focus on tweeting something of value that will help the user find what they are looking for. For example, while tweeting about an article on Conversion Rates, tweet something like:

“Are you looking to increase your #ConversionRates?”

This will help drive qualified traffic to your content. This helps your campaign result in better leads from your social marketing efforts on Twitter. Always tweet something of value instead of just names and titles.

A few more Twitter Lead Generation tips

To Heather’s 6 tips, let me add the following:

  • Tweet curated content relevant to your target audience
  • Research and strategically use hashtags
  • Tweet often

Posting curated content should help you to build your marketing narrative, not someone else’s. It should support the call to action you are driving with your marketing strategy. Find articles and other content that your target audience would be interested in, then share that content with original, value-added copy. Use curated content intermingled with your own original content so that it supports your position as a thought-leader, not a thought-sharer. But remember, only share great content.

However, great content (whether original or curated) means nothing without an audience. Hashtags are the key to placing your content organically in front of your target demographics. Research the hashtags you use and look for hashtags your ideal customers are using. Use relevant hashtags and tweet them often.

But how often? At what cadence should you tweet? How do you define too little or too much in the Twitter world? According to Heather’s article, the average lifespan of a single tweet is 18 minutes. This means that you need to tweet often enough to ensure your message reaches its target. There isn’t a set number, but be sure to tweet often.

Be sure to read Heather’s article on Twitter lead generation for information on implementing her 6 tips, then reach out to us on Twitter @ANSinsights for more help with marketing in the Twitter-sphere.

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