Content Marketing, Multi-channel Marketing

Recontent: A Marketing Content Strategy

A solid content strategy is vital to campaign success. Pushing out quality content yields desirable results, but unfortunately creating all that content can require an overwhelming amount of time, especially for a small marketing team. What is the solution to continue producing quality content without spending so much time on creation? Recontent. That is, re-purposing… Read More Recontent: A Marketing Content Strategy

Content Marketing, Marketing

Five Common Fears of Content Marketing and What the Office Has to Say About It

With the rise of content marketing, the benefits are becoming more widely understood–quality inbound leads, brand awareness, customer loyalty, increased traffic, just to name a few–making content marketing one the most effective forms of advertising for one’s products or services. So why the heck is 1 out of 10 businesses still missing out on the… Read More Five Common Fears of Content Marketing and What the Office Has to Say About It

Digital Marketing, Social Media

Smartphone Photography Basics | Photo Marketing Series

Two major aspects of social media marketing are words and pictures. Of these two, most people are drawn in by images. In terms of social media, books, articles, and anything else in life, people are drawn to color, light, shapes and whatever is aesthetically pleasing to their eye. That’s why when scrolling through an Instagram feed,… Read More Smartphone Photography Basics | Photo Marketing Series

Data, Marketing

What Makes ANS Different?

ANS recently had the opportunity to attend the annual Digital Marketing Night at Utah Valley University. At this event, students in the marketing program have an opportunity to talk with local businesses that work in Digital Marketing as well as submit resumes for internships and job openings. While talking with students about who ANS is and… Read More What Makes ANS Different?

Digital Marketing, Social Media

Are You Losing Potential Customers to the Instagram Shadowban?

Are you using Instagram in your social media marketing arsenal? Instagram can be a valuable tool to market your business, if you use it correctly. Instagram has recently started policing those who violate their terms of service. This policing is known as shadowbanning, and can bring reach and engagement to a screeching halt. What is… Read More Are You Losing Potential Customers to the Instagram Shadowban?