Direct Mail, Marketing

The Truth About Direct Mail

Is direct mail still relevant? I went to college and earned my degree in marketing with an emphasis in digital marketing. My studies included classes like digital marketing, web analytics, digital media, and social media marketing. In fact, the focus was so heavily centered on digital marketing that I never really considered direct mail as… Read More The Truth About Direct Mail

ANS Updates, B2C, Email Blasts, Marketing

New to Market: Online Shoppers Database

Looking to target online shoppers by the types of products they purchase? Look no further than our newest managed file, Online Shoppers Database. These internet-savvy consumers save time and money by researching and purchasing products online. Their purchases are for home and personal use. Category of product purchased is selectable as well as the purchase… Read More New to Market: Online Shoppers Database

Data Driven Marketing, Jill's Thoughts

Gain Insight From Your Data to Effect Change

Recently I came across Marketingland’s article, “5 Reasons Marketers Fail With Data”. According to a recent study, most companies and marketers find it difficult to gain insights from their data. Most marketers are still chasing after the same goals: “How do we most effectively make the  right  people aware of our products and services, get them to take… Read More Gain Insight From Your Data to Effect Change

Digital Marketing, Direct Mail, Marketing

Direct Mail vs Digital Ads

A Scientific Study Today’s world is becoming more and more digital. The change is not just in how information is accessed, but also in how it is presented. As marketing transitions from physical to digital, is it getting better? Are the digital ads replacing physical ads as the most effective strategy? DM News’ article, Direct mail Has a Greater Effect on Purchase Than Digital Ads by Al… Read More Direct Mail vs Digital Ads

Data, Marketing

Big Data has Big Value

Big Data and Business I recently came across Wall Street Journal’s article, “The Big Mystery: What’s Big Data Really Worth?” and it got me thinking about the value of data. The topic brought up some interesting points of discussion including: obtaining revenue from your data, using it to acquire new customers, altering product lines to… Read More Big Data has Big Value