Email, Marketing

Mobile Channels Dominating Email Marketing

True or False? In 2015, over half of email “opens” were on mobile devices. According to DM News’ recent article, the answer is true. Are your email campaigns mobile friendly? If not, you may want to reconsider. Learn more here:  

Data, Jill's Thoughts, Marketing

Gain Insight From Your Data and Effect Change

Recently I came across’s article, “5 Reasons Marketers Fail With Data“. According to a recent study, most companies and marketers find it difficult to gain insights from their data.  Most marketers are still chasing after the same goals: “How do we most effectively make the right people aware of our products and services, get them to… Read More Gain Insight From Your Data and Effect Change

Corporate Culture

Orange Cream Protein Smoothies

Each week we have “Smoothie Wednesday”. Last week, Collette (Accounting Department) made Orange Cream Protein Smoothies.  They were delicious! Here’s the recipe: Orange Cream Protein Smoothies ¼ C frozen orange juice concentrate 1 scoop vanilla protein powder ½ C Greek vanilla yogurt ¼ – ½ C unsweetened almond milk ½ tsp vanilla 6-8 ice cubes… Read More Orange Cream Protein Smoothies

Email Blasts

A Successful Marketing Database

HOW MARKETABLE IS YOUR DATABASE? Are you marketing to your in-house database?  Have you recently mailed to your database or is your customer file outdated and missing information?  Did you know that you will spend more money to acquire a new customer than to retain a current one? Your customer database is your biggest gold-mine! Here… Read More A Successful Marketing Database

Data, Email Blasts

Get More Seminar Attendees

ANS – the most experienced Marketing Agency for Seminar and Event Groups American Name Services has been providing marketing services for groups just like yours for the last 20 years. What sets ANS apart? • The most current and responsive seminar leads • Strategic Planning based on 20 years of experience • Data Health Assessment… Read More Get More Seminar Attendees

Data, Email Blasts

Data Doctors

Poor Data Health decreases campaign Success Our ever changing physical and online world dramatically impacts the overall performance of your customer file. Before you launch your next marketing campaign consider these areas of focus for a healthier database: • Data Quality – Is the Data clean? • Data Latency – Is the Data Current? •… Read More Data Doctors