Jerry's Thoughts

Your Business May Have Been Failing From the Start

For many Connecticut homeowners, lying down at night is not a relaxing experience. While they try to rest, they can’t fight the anxiety and tension as they wonder whether tonight will be the night their house finally collapses. Nearly 30,000 Connecticut homeowners are plagued with the same problem—their homes are literally crumbling due to bad foundations. Apparently, these foundations used concrete from the same quarry possessing a particular mineral… Read More Your Business May Have Been Failing From the Start

Creative, Data, Digital Marketing, Direct Mail, Email, Marketing

No Event Attendees? Try Our Event Marketing Timeline

When it comes to hosting an event, it often seems no matter how good the idea, product, program, or training, it’s a challenge to translate the aspiration of a full house of enthused listeners to even a few attendees. However, with the right marketing, an event can be a success. ANS specializes in helping seminar… Read More No Event Attendees? Try Our Event Marketing Timeline

Digital Marketing, Email, Marketing

Five Tips to Make Sure Your Subscribers Hear, “You’ve Got Mail”

Maybe I am just sentimental, but I am a sucker for a good romance movie. One of my particular favorites is You’ve Got Mail, a charming story of rival bookstore owners who fall in love through an exchange of anonymous emails. With every chime of “You’ve got mail,” from their AOL email inboxes, the couple… Read More Five Tips to Make Sure Your Subscribers Hear, “You’ve Got Mail”

Data, List Management

How can I monetize my data?

You’ve spent a lot of time, effort, and expense gathering data about your customers and building a solid customer list. You know their buying habits and history, what marketing channels they’ve responded to, and the offers they tend to act on best. This information has likely helped you in marketing to your current customer base… Read More How can I monetize my data?