List Spotlight

List Spotlight: Known Real Estate Investors

List Spotlight: Known Real Estate Investors These known real estate investors have purchased real estate properties as verified by county records. Their properties are investment only and include single family dwellings, condos and duplexes. The investors actively seek information on real estate investments and making the most from their investment properties. View Datacard Here  … Read More List Spotlight: Known Real Estate Investors

Digital Marketing, Email

Email Hygiene – Best Practices for Deliverability

Keeping your customer email data clean and up-to-date can seem like a daunting task.  However, it has never been more critical for email deliverability.  Internet Service Providers (ISPs) do their best to protect clients from unwanted emails and spam.  These ISPs determine whether your email ever makes it to the intended inbox.  Email hygiene is… Read More Email Hygiene – Best Practices for Deliverability