Data Driven Marketing, Email

3 Keys to Data-Driven Email

I know I’m not the only person who’s been hearing “data-driven” in business conversations all over. So I ask myself, “What progress are we as a marketing community making toward data-driven email?” With email technology at your fingertips, there are tools and tactics you can use to make your campaigns more effective. The three tips… Read More 3 Keys to Data-Driven Email

Creative, Data

Data Design

  When you hear the word “data”, analytics, insights, or numbers may come to mind. My mind goes to target audiences, direction, and design. We all joke that my job at ANS is to “make things look pretty.” Making something pretty is only half the goal though. It doesn’t matter how pretty a show poster,… Read More Data Design

Creative, Digital Marketing

Adobe MAX 2017

Adobe MAX Overview Adobe MAX is The Creativity Conference. If you work in marketing, web design, graphic design, or another creative field, you may have heard of Adobe MAX. During its annual gathering, Adobe gathers the best creative minds, talents, and companies together to push the boundaries of creativity. During the conference, attendees experience a… Read More Adobe MAX 2017

B2B, Marketing, Multi-channel Marketing

Multi-Channel Marketing | Reach More of Your Ideal Client

What is multi-channel marketing? Multi-channel marketing is a way of reaching potential customers from multiple sources. There are so many options nowadays when it comes to marketing methods. Millions of people around the world are browsing online, shopping in-store, scrolling through social media, checking their email, and much more, which makes them reachable to companies… Read More Multi-Channel Marketing | Reach More of Your Ideal Client